VUSD/VUEA and VESPA Negotiations 2023-24
All Ventura Unified School District's (VUSD) educational community members are respected and valued by our administration, students, and families. VUSD's ability to recruit and retain highly qualified and motivated individuals (many of whom are our VUSD graduates) directly impacts the students in our schools. We are vested in maintaining a dedicated and talented workforce of educators and support professionals, and we appreciate that the Ventura Unified Education Association (VUEA) and the Ventura Education Support Professionals Association (VESPA) are just as dedicated to the future success of our students.
Each year the budget must receive a positive certification by the Ventura County Office of Education. Ventura Unified School District (VUSD) is required, by the state, to account for the next three years when negotiating. When we negotiate this year, we must do so planning through the 2025-26 year.
VUSD is significantly impacted by several years of declining enrollment. We are funded based on the number of students enrolled and attendance.
2023-24 Negotiations Updates
- 09-21-23 Update
- 09-12-23 Proposals to Board
- 10-10-23 Update
- 12-14-23 Update
- 12-19-23 Update
- 01-11-2024 Update
- 01-22-24 Update
- 01-25-24 Update
- 1-30-24 Update
09-21-23 Update
- The first session of the District and our VESPA partners was held on Sept. 19, 2023. This meeting included conversations about the Professional Growth incentives and structures.
- The second joint session of negotiations between the District and our VESPA and VUEA association partners was held on Sept. 21, 2023. This meeting continued the conversation about Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) including a potential district financial contribution to HSAs, and current medical plan offerings.
09-12-23 Proposals to Board
Two Sunshine proposals were presented to the Board of Education on Sept. 12.
- "Sunshine" of Initial Contract Proposals from Ventura Unified Education Association (VUEA) to Ventura Unified School District (VUSD) and Ventura Unified School District (VUSD) to Ventura Unified Education Association (VUEA) for Collective Bargaining
- "Sunshine" of Initial Contract Proposals from Ventura Education Support Professionals Association (VESPA) to Ventura Unified School District (VUSD) and from Ventura Unified School District (VUSD) to Ventura Education Support Professionals Association (VESPA) for Collective Bargaining
10-10-23 Update
The District, VESPA, and VUEA recently met over several negotiation sessions to discuss Health and Welfare Benefit Plans, including Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and a District contribution for 2024.
The parties have agreed to, and the Board of Education has approved the following:
- Four health plans, our two current plans (HMO & PPO), and two new additional plans (HMO & PPO)* that also offer HSAs.
- The District will contribute the following to plans or HSAs as follows:
a. $3,320 – to employees who work 80% or greater
b. $2,490 – to employees who work 75% to 79%
c. $1,660 – to employees who work 50% to 74%
a. $3320 for employees who work 28-40 hours per week
b. $ 2490 For employees who work 20-27.99 hours per week
- The HSA belongs to the employee. Employees who leave the District and/or retire would keep the money in their HSA.
- The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is in place effective January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024, and shall sunset on December 31, 2024, at the end of the Health and Welfare benefit plan year. This MOU may be modified or extended by the mutual consent of VESPA, VUEA, and the District no later than 30 days before open enrollment for the Health and Welfare benefit plan year.
Ventura Unified School District employees will be able to participate in the Health and Welfare Benefits Open Enrollment from October 1, 2023, through November 10, 2023. All changes made during Open Enrollment will go into effect on January 1, 2024.
*Ventura Unified School District will be offering two new Consumer Directed Health Plans (CDHP), Anthem CDHP PPO 90 and Kaiser Permanente CDHP DHMO $1,600, which will allow participants in these plans to establish and contribute to a Health Savings Account (HSA). Ventura Unified will also continue to offer the current Anthem Blue Cross PPO plan and Kaiser Permanente HMO plans.
To help employees explore their health and welfare benefit options, VUSD’s Risk Management/Insurance Department will host Open Enrollment Benefits Fairs. Information on the Benefit Plans and these Fairs has been sent to employees.
We will continue to keep you updated on developments as our negotiations continue. The District, VUEA, and VESPA are all vested in maintaining a dedicated and talented workforce of educators and support professionals to ensure the success of our students.
12-14-23 Update
The District, Ventura Education Support Professional Association (VESPA), and Ventura Unified Education Association (VUEA) met today, Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023, for negotiations. It was a productive meeting, and we are extremely grateful for the team members representing the District, VESPA, and VUEA and for the continued collaboration.
The District proposed the following terms related to Total Compensation for VESPA.
1. Effective July 1, 2023, the District will increase the current 2022-2023 salary schedules for each bargaining unit by 4% for active employees as of the date of Board ratification.
2. The Parties agree that effective July 1, 2023, the District will pay an employer contribution of $19,600 towards the cost of health and welfare benefits premiums for each eligible, full time (40 hours per week) unit member. This employer contribution will be prorated as outlined in Article 20, section 20.2.1 for unit members who work less than full time. Unit members will be responsible for the cost of any premium amounts above the employer contribution of $19,600.
a. For the 2023-2024 school year, with these agreed upon changes in 2 above, the District agrees to increase the salary schedule by an additional 2% of the 2023-2024 salary schedule, effective January 1, 2024.
b. For the 2024-2025 school year, with these agreed upon changes in 2 above, the District agrees to increase the 2023-2024 salary schedule by an additional 2%, effective July 1, 2024. If the COLA for the 2024-2025 school year exceeds 3.94% the district agrees to reopen negotiations for total compensation. At first interim in December 2023, the multi-year budget projection (MYP) is based on the COLA projection of 3.94% for the 2024-2025 school year.
The District proposed the following terms related to Fringe Benefits and Compensation for VUEA.
1. Effective July 1, 2023, the District will increase the current 2022-2023 salary schedules for each bargaining unit by 4% for active employees as of the date of Board ratification.
2. The Parties agree that effective July 1, 2023, the District will pay an employer contribution of $19,600 towards the cost of health and welfare benefits premiums for each eligible unit member 80% or greater (as defined in Article 18). This employer contribution will be prorated as outlined in Article 18 for unit members who work less than 80% of full time. Unit members will be responsible for the cost of any premium amounts above the employer contribution of $19,600.
a. For the 2023-2024 school year, with these agreed upon changes in 2 above, the District agrees to increase the salary schedule by an additional 2% of the 2023-2024 salary schedule, effective January 1, 2024.
b. For the 2024-2025 school year, with these agreed upon changes in 2 above, the District agrees to increase the 2023-2024 salary schedule by an additional 2%, effective July 1, 2024. If the COLA for the 2024-2025 school year exceeds 3.94% the district agrees to reopen negotiations for total compensation. At first interim in December 2023, the multi-year budget projection (MYP) is based on the COLA projection of 3.94% for the 2024-2025 school year.
VESPA then countered with the following proposal related to Total Compensation
1. Effective July 1, 2023, the District will increase the current 2022-2023 salary schedules for each bargaining unit by $4 per hour for active employees as of the date of Board ratification.
2. The Parties agree that effective January 1, 2024, the District will fully fund the cost of health and welfare benefits premiums for each eligible, full time (35 hours per week) unit member. This employer contribution will be prorated as outlined in Article 20, section 20.2.1 for unit members who work less than full time. Employer contributions shall be prorated for unit members working 20-35 hours per week. Unit members working less than the full-time equivalent for benefits (35 hours per week) will be responsible for the cost of any premium amounts above the employer contribution. Unit members working less than 20 hours per week shall not receive an employer contribution to benefits.
VUEA countered with the following proposal related to Fringe Benefits and Compensation
1. Effective July 1, 2023, the District will increase the current 2022-2023 salary schedules for each bargaining unit by 6% for active employees as of the date of Board ratification.
2. The Parties agree that effective July 1, 2023, the District will fund the full premium cost of health and welfare benefits for each eligible unit member 80% or greater (as defined in Article 18). This employer contribution will be prorated as outlined in Article 18 for unit members who work less than 80% of full time.
Full contract language proposals:
12-19-23 Update
*12-20-23 UPDATE: The 12/21/23 negotiations meeting has been moved to 1/11/24. Thank you.
Ventura Unified Education Association (VUEA), Ventura Education Support Professionals Association (VESPA), and the District negotiations teams met again today, Dec. 19. Below you will find the most recent updates related to those negotiations. To see previous updates and to view full language of the counter offers please visit our Negotiations webpage. Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 21, 2023,* and we will provide you with any updates.
Full contract language proposals:
12.19.23 VUSD to VUEA Articles 18 & 19 Counter #2
12.19.23 VUEA to VUSD Articles 18 & 19 Counter #3
12.19.23 VUSD to VESPA Counter #2- Article 20 contract language
12.19.23 VESPA to VUSD Article 20 Contract Total Compensation Counter #3
01-11-2024 Update
01-22-24 Update
The District and VUEA teams met in negotiations on Jan. 17 and Jan. 22, 2024. Here is a brief summary of what was discussed. The District and VUEA continued negotiating the remaining articles including duties, conditions and Special Education educators. Linked below are the proposals that were presented. The teams agreed to keep current contract language in place for duties and conditions. The teams will meet again to continue to discuss Special Education educators and other items on January 30, 2024.
Article 8
VUEA Initial Proposal to VUSD 01.11.24
VUSD to VUEA Counter #1 1.17.24
VUEA to VUSD Counter #1 01.17.24
VUSD to VUEA Counter #2 1.17.24
VUEA to VUSD Counter #2 01.122.24
VUSD to VUEA Counter #3 1.22.24
Article 31
VUEA Initial Proposal to VUSD 1.22.24
01-25-24 Update
1-30-24 Update
The District and VUEA negotiations teams met on Jan. 30 and the following proposals were exchanged between VUEA and the District, as well as the Tentative Agreements (TA) as listed below. They covered the topics of Special Education educators and Summer School 2024.
- Total Compensation
- Article 31 – Special Education Educators
- Summer School 2024 – MOU agreed upon
2023-24 FAQs
Archived Negotiations Updates
2022-23 Negotiations
We have archived the 2022-23 Negotiations webpage for historical purposes.