General HR Questions
- I am thinking about retiring, what do I do?
- How do I change my name with HR?
- How do I change my address?
- How do I change my withholding status?
- How do I obtain permanent status?
- Do I need a doctor's note if I am out sick?
- Am I a member of the sick leave bank?
- I received a letter saying I have "reasonable assurance". What does that mean?
- How do I find out what jobs are available?
I am thinking about retiring, what do I do?
How do I change my name with HR?
How do I change my address?
How do I change my withholding status?
How do I obtain permanent status?
Do I need a doctor's note if I am out sick?
Am I a member of the sick leave bank?
I received a letter saying I have "reasonable assurance". What does that mean?
How do I find out what jobs are available?
Certificated Applicant FAQs
Certificated Substitute FAQs
Certificated Employee FAQs
- How do I move up on the salary schedule?
- How do I know how many sick or vacation days I have?
- How do I resign?
- How do I know when I am ready to retire?
- How do I gain permanent status?
- How do I find out my status? Permanent, temporary, probationary?
- How do I adjust my withholding status?
- Am I a member of the Sick Leave Balance?
- How do I renew my credential?
- How do I find my SmartFind login information?
- How do I change my address with the district?
- How do I change my name with the District?
- How do I change my emergency contact information?
How do I move up on the salary schedule?
How do I know how many sick or vacation days I have?
How do I resign?
How do I know when I am ready to retire?
How do I gain permanent status?
How do I find out my status? Permanent, temporary, probationary?
How do I adjust my withholding status?
Am I a member of the Sick Leave Balance?
How do I renew my credential?
How do I find my SmartFind login information?
How do I change my address with the district?
How do I change my name with the District?
How do I change my emergency contact information?
Certificated Temporary and Probationary Employee FAQs
- What is the difference between a temporary Certificated employee and a probationary Certificated employee?
- If I am a temporary or probationary certificated employee and I am told I am going to be released from VUSD employment, what are my due process rights?
- What is a non-renewal or non-reelect notice and when can one be issued?
- If I had a good evaluation or if my evaluation was not done properly can I still be released?
- I have been told that if I do not resign I will be non-reelected. What does that mean?
- Do potential future employers have access to my VUSD personnel file?
- What happens to my sick leave if I resign, I am non-reelected or laid-off?
- I am a temporary teacher. What does that mean?
- If I have been released as a temporary certificated employee, what are my rights?
- As a temporary certificated employee do I have any rights to be rehired?