Multilingual Learners
- Language Acquisition Resources - for Educators
- Language Acquisition Resources - for Students & Families
- Multilingual Learner Master Plan
- Reclassification
English Language Proficiency Assessments for California
Initial Assessment
General and Alternate Initial ELPAC
The ELPAC is a state mandated test to evaluate a student’s academic English language proficiency (ELP) if a non-English language is spoken in the student’s home by the student or another person in their home environment, as reported by the parent/guardian on the Home Language Survey. |
The testing window for the initial ELPAC is open throughout the school year from July 1 through June 30. School districts may begin administering initial assessments to incoming students before the first day of school.
Student Score Reports (SSRs) are usually available within 24 hours from the time all 4 test domains are submitted and scored.
Multilingual Learner (ML) students are placed in an appropriate instructional program and may be assigned additional English Language Development support. ML students are assessed annually with the summative ELPAC to monitor their progress in English language proficiency until they are Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP). Once reclassified (RFEP), students are monitored for 4 years but are no longer required to take the ELPAC test. Initial Fluent English Proficient (IFEP) students already possess a designation of proficient and therefore require no further ELPAC testing. |
Special Education students in Moderate/Severe programs who are unable to demonstrate their English Language abilities through the general ELPAC due to their qualifying condition(s) may now be assigned the Alternate ELPAC by their IEP teams. The initial Alternate ELPAC is new as of the 2022-2023 school year. |
The Initial Alternate ELPAC is administered to students in grades K-12 (through age 21 years old) who have the most significant cognitive disabilities and a primary language identified as a language other than English. It is only administered once to a student upon enrolling in a California public school for the first time. |
The Alternate ELPAC has two communication modes: expressive (Speaking and Writing) and receptive (Listening and Reading). |
Students should do their best when taking the ELPAC. Re-testing is not allowed, so it is important to help prepare your student ahead of the test date. We highly recommend that you visit the ELPAC Starting Smarter website to review sample test questions on the practice tests. Additionally, you can take practice tests of each domain through the ELPAC website.
Test Prep and Practice: Starting Smarter |
Introduction to the Initial ELPAC for Parents
En Español
Initial ELPAC Fact Sheet
A Parent's Introduction to the Alternate ELPAC
En Español
Alternate ELPAC Parent Guide
Summative Assessment
General and Alternate Summative ELPAC
The summative Alternate ELPAC became operational in the 2021-2022 school year. |
Estimated Testing Times:
ELPAC Overview Videos
En Español
A Parent's Introduction to the Alternate ELPAC
En Español
Resources for Educators
Other Resources for Educators
The computer-based Initial ELPAC replaced the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) after June 30, 2018. The assessments align to the 2012 California English Language Development (ELD) Standards.
- ELPAC Task Type Definitions
- ELPAC Writing Rubrics K-12
- Summative ELPAC Scale Score Ranges (printer friendly version)
- Summative ELPAC Raw Score to Scale Score Conversions
Test Blueprints
Alternate ELPAC Assessments
Accessibility Resources
The Results Are In, Now What?
Padlet | Access the full course materials through the Moodle training website. You may register for an account if you are new to Moodle. |
Practice and Interim Assessments
The Importance of Accessibility Resources
Using the ISAAP Tool
Language Acquisition Resources - for Educators
Language Acquisition Resources - for Students & Families
Multilingual Learner Master Plan
Reclassification (Exit) Criteria: The goal of the Multilingual Learner program is for students to become fully proficient in English and to master state standards for academic achievement as rapidly as possible.
VUSD reclassification criteria
Grade Span
English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPAC) |
Comparison of Performance in Basic Skills |
Teacher |
Parental/Guardian Opinion and Consultation |
K- 3 |
Overall score
MAP Growth Reading score of greater than or equal to the 41st percentile |
*Student is making progress towards proficiency in English Language Development and Literacy |
Evidence of |
4-5 |
Previous year’s CAASPP English Language Arts score of Standard Met (3) or Standard Exceeded (4) |
6-8 |
Previous year’s CAASPP English Language Arts score of Standard Met (3) or Standard Exceeded (4) |
9-12 |
*For students with an IEP ONLY: The student is able to compete academically with English Only peers with similar special educational needs in their educational setting, as evidenced by progress towards goals established in their IEP. |
Criterios para la reclasificación (Salida): La meta del programa de estudiantes multilingües es que el estudiante llegue a dominar el inglés completamente y que maneje a la perfección los estándares estatales del rendimiento académico lo más pronto posible.
Los criterios de reclasificación de VUSD
Grados |
Prueba de suficiencia en el idioma inglés (ELPAC) |
Comparación del rendimiento en las destrezas básicas |
Evaluación del maestro |
Opinión del padre/tutor y consulta |
K- 3 |
Calificación general del nivel 4 |
Puntuación superior o igual al 41 percentil en la prueba MAP de lectura |
*El estudiante está progresando hacia la competencia en el desarrollo del idioma inglés y la alfabetización. |
Evidencia que el padre/tutor tuvo oportunidad de dar su opinión y consulta |
4-5 |
Puntuación del año anterior de norma lograda (3) o norma superada (4) en el CAASPP en lengua y literatura |
6-8 |
Puntuación del año anterior de norma lograda (3) o norma superada (4) en el CAASPP en lengua y literatura |
9-12 |
*Solo para los estudiantes con un IEP: El estudiante es capaz de desenvolverse académicamente al igual que sus compañeros que solo hablan el inglés y que tienen necesidades especiales educacionales similares en su ambiente educacional, lo cual se comprueba por su progreso hacia las metas establecidas en su plan IEP. |