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Homeless & Foster Youth

RESOURCES are available for families living in any of the following situations:
    • In a shelter, motel, vehicle or campground
    • On the street
    • In an abandoned building, trailer, or other inadequate accommodation, or
    • Doubled up with friends or relatives because you cannot find or afford housing

Then, you have certain rights or protections under the "McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act".  When you go to the school office to enroll your child or children, you will need to provide the following information:

    • Please complete the Student Residency Questionnaire and return it to your child's school
    • Foster Youth - placement documentation or agreement with a county agency (CFS, HSA, or Probation) will be sufficient.



Because homeless families frequently move, there are special laws that consider the needs of these families and their children through the McKinney Homeless Assistance Act.  If a homeless student moves during the school year, he or she may continue at the original school for the remainder of the year or enroll in another school where he or she currently resides.  This school choice decision is based upon consideration of the child's best interest and the parent's request.  Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, Section 722 (g)(3).

Homeless or Foster Youth can enroll and begin attending classes before records have arrived at the new school.  Schools of students in foster care must immediately forward school records to the new school within five working days after a request. CA Education Code §490069.5(e)

A homeless student may remain in her/his school of origin for the duration of homelessness.  It is not until the student becomes permanently housed that they may continue at the school of origin until the remainder of the year or enroll in the boundary school.

The language regarding caregiver affidavits will normally not apply to youth who qualify under McKinney-Vento.  Youth who are not in the physical custody of a parent and otherwise meet the definition of McKinney-Vento are considered "unaccompanied youth".

If you have any questions, please contact Laura De La Rosa, Homeless & Foster Youth Family Liaison, in Student Support Services office at (805) 641-5000 ext.1106.






Description of Services

COMMUNITY Catholic Charities Resources for food and shelter
Project Understanding Food, housing, and tutoring

VUSD Community Resource Guide- English


Community resource guide for counseling, health, and homeless
  Ventura County Resources - Western County Services Camarillo, Fillmore, Ojai, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Santa Paula, and Ventura
EDUCATION Ventura County Office of Education Educational support for homeless and foster youth
School on Wheels Free tutoring for homeless students
FOOD Food Share Inc. Ventura County's Food Bank, history, locations, contact information
GENERAL NEEDS County of Ventura Human Services Agency Resources for homeless and foster families
HOUSING Area Housing Authority in Ventura County Housing programs, homeless shelters, and resources for the homeless
Housing Authority of San Buenaventura Public housing and Section 8
County of Ventura Foster Youth Services Foster youth information and services