Facilities Services provides the school and administrative sites with a physical environment of the highest quality that supports teaching, learning, and public service. We believe that the sites should reflect the excellence and diversity that are the hallmark of he educational success at Ventura Unified School District. This vision is reflected within the Facilities Services Department that is committed to serving its students, teachers, administrative support staff and the community.
Contact Us
359 South Victoria Ave.
Ventura, Ca 93003
Phone: (805) 289-7981
Fax: (805) 289-7988
Terri Allison
Director, x1002
Mark Mayer
Facilities Manager (Trades & Grounds), x1020
Matt Burnell
Grounds Lead, x1022
Robbie Pennington
Facilities Manager (Custodial), x1004
Jason McIlhaney
Building Lead Trades, x1012
Pam Scott
Senior Office Assistant, x1001
Reservations & Work Orders
Staff, please use our Maintenance Work Order System for work orders.
Outside agencies and companies looking to rent our facilities, please view our Civic Reservations webpage.