Business Services
Business Services is responsible for the budget and administration of District resources. We strive to provide high quality services that support and enhance the learning environment through responsive, reliable, cost effective and innovative performance, consistent with legal requirements and Board policy.
- Contact Us
- 7-11 Committee
- Civic Use of Facilities/Rentals
- Developer Fees - School Assessment Fees
- Long Range Facilities Master Plan
- Measure E Bond Oversight Committee
- Measure H Parcel Tax on November 2024 Ballot- FAQs
- Parcel Tax Oversight Committee- Current
- Declining Enrollment Committee Archived
Contact Us
7-11 Committee
The Board of Education appointed the 7-11 Advisory Committee to assess the district's options and provide input on behalf of the community about the best uses of district real property not needed for school purposes and could be considered for other uses. During the last meeting held on October 21, 2020, the Committee approved their final report to the Board of Education and will be presenting it during the board meeting on November 10, 2020.
7-11 Advisory Committee Final Report on Identification of Surplus Properties
Exhibit A - Depiction of Property
Exhibit B - Minutes for Each Meeting
Exhibit C - Copies of the Notice of Public Hearing
Date | Time | Location | Agenda | Minutes |
8/29/24 | 3PM | ESC- Susan B. Anthony Rm | CLICK HERE | CLICK HERE |
Civic Use of Facilities/Rentals
Developer Fees - School Assessment Fees
In order to complete the assessment fees, please visit the Education Service Center in person. If you need a estimate of the school assessment fees, please contact
Education Service Center 255 W Stanley Ave Ventura, CA 93001 Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30PM, excluding holidaysAs of July 1, 2021, developer impact fees are:
Residential - $4.08 per SF
Commercial - $0.66 per SF
Long Range Facilities Master Plan
LONG RANGE FACILITIES MASTER PLAN 2020-2030 - adopted by the Board of Education on April 28, 2020.
The Long-Range Facility Master Plan preliminary process was presented to the Board of Education by PBK consultants on March 26, 2019.
Bond feasibility survey results for possible Long-Range Facility Master Plan funding was presented to the Board of Education by Jon Isom, Isom Advisors consulting firm on August 27, 2019.
LRFMP Educational Specifications Meeting Minutes
LRFMP Community Leadership Committee Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2019
Measure E Bond Oversight Committee
For more information on Measure E including Bond Oversight Committee Agendas and Minutes please view our Measure E webpage.
Measure H Parcel Tax on November 2024 Ballot- FAQs
- Maintain mental health services
- Attract and retain highly qualified and experienced teachers;
- Maintain and improve computer technology;
- Maintain arts and music instruction and other course offerings and electives.
WHAT IS A PARCEL TAX? Parcel taxes are typically used to fund programs and services, support teachers and staff, and fund other operating expenses. The parcel tax is levied on all taxable property within a district’s boundaries and is usually levied on a flat, per-parcel basis. Parcel taxes are generally in place for a specified period of years.
WHY WAS MEASURE H PLACED ON THE BALLOT? Measure H was placed on the November ballot to help fund educational programs at Ventura Unified School District by providing a guaranteed source of locally controlled funding. Funds will help maintain/improve academic programs; fund computer technology, music, and arts; retain highly qualified teachers; and maintain mental health services.
HOW MUCH WILL MEASURE H COST? Measure H is a $59 per year flat tax levied on each parcel of land in the District. The parcel tax will be levied for four years and raise approximately $2.1 million annually.
WHAT IS A PARCEL? A parcel is any unit of land in the District that receives a separate tax bill from the Ventura County Tax Collector.
WOULD ALL PARCELS BE CHARGED THE SAME? All parcels that currently pay property taxes, except those with multi-family residential housing, would pay the same amount. Parcels with multi-family residential buildings containing two to four units will be counted as two parcels, and those containing five or more units will be counted as five parcels to determine the tax levy.
WHY CAN’T THE DISTRICT MEET ITS ACADEMIC NEEDS WITH ITS CURRENT BUDGET? Due to the State’s current budget crisis, many school districts, including Ventura Unified, are experiencing budget shortfalls. By providing a source of local funding, Measure H will help maintain/improve academic programs, including funding computer technology, music, and arts; retain highly qualified teachers and maintain mental health services,
CAN THE STATE TAKE THESE PARCEL TAX FUNDS? No. By law, these parcel tax funds must be spent entirely within the Ventura Unified School District and cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere.
HOW CAN I BE SURE THAT MEASURE H FUNDS WILL BE SPENT ON IMPROVING OUR SCHOOLS? An independent citizens’ oversight committee will be established to ensure that the funds are appropriately spent. Also, there will be annual audits, and no parcel tax money can be used for administrative salaries.
Parcel Tax Oversight Committee- Current
On November 6, 2012, the Ventura Unified School District received approval from City of Ventura voters to implement an annual $59 per parcel tax levy to support educational programs for a period of four years. On November 8, 2016 and again on November 3, 2020, voters extended the parcel tax another four years. The District established a Parcel Tax Oversight Committee (PTOC) since inception of the parcel tax pursuant to its desire to assure the community that parcel tax dollars are expended in a manner consistent with the ballot language.
The PTOC is charged with providing oversight and accountability on the expenditures funded by the parcel tax to ensure that the said funds are spent for the purposes approved by the voters. The PTOC will meet at least semi-annually to monitor the expenditures of these funds by the District and will report to the Board of Education and the community, on an annual basis on how these funds have been spent. An annual audit will be a part of the PTOC’s report to the Board.
Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Meeting Dates, Agendas and Minutes.
We have switched agenda/minute software systems and our system now takes you to a searchable, translatable website for all of our agendas and minutes. To view agendas/minutes for meetings after November 6, 2023 please visit our new Agendas and Minutes webpage.
Meeting Date | Agenda | Minutes |
3/26/24 | Agenda | Meeting Postponed |
4/22/24 | Agenda | Minutes |
7/18/24 | Agendas and Minutes webpage. | |
10/7/24 | Agendas and Minutes webpage. | |
12/2/24 | Agendas and Minutes webpage. |
- Resolution #12-15: Ordering an Election on November 6, 2012
- Resolution #13-05: Establishment of Parcel Tax Oversight Committee & Bylaws
- Resolution #13-07: Results of November 6, 2012 Election & Request to Include Parcel Tax on 2013-14 Tax Roll
- Resolution #14-09: Request to Include Parcel Tax on 2014-15 Tax Roll
- Resolution #15-20: Request to Include Parcel Tax on 2015-16 Tax Roll
- Resolution #16-07: Ordering an Election on November 8, 2016
- Resolution #16-12: Request to Include Parcel Tax on 2016-17 Tax Roll
- Resolution #17-10: Results of November 8, 2016 Election & Request to Include Parcel Tax on 2017-18 Tax Roll
- Resolution #18-12: Request to Include Parcel Tax on 2018-19 Tax Roll
- Resolution # 24-06:Parcel Tax Election November 2024
- Resolution #24-13: Request to Include Parcel Tax on the 2024-25 Tax Roll
- 2013-14 Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Report
- 2014-15 Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Report
- 2015-16 Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Report
- 2016-17 Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Report
- 2017-18 Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Report
- 2018-19 Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Report
- 2019-20 Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Report
- 2020-21 Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Report
- 2021-2022 Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Report
- 2022-2023 Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Report
- 2013-14 "Measure Q" Audit Letter
- 2014-15 "Measure Q" Audit Letter
- 2015-16 "Measure Q" Audit Letter
- 2016-17 "Measure Q" Audit Letter
- 2017-18 "Measure R" Audit Letter
- 2018-19 "Measure R" Audit Letter
- 2019-20 "Measure R" Audit Letter
- 2020-21 "Measure H" Audit Letter
- 2021-22 "Measure H" Audit Letter
- 2022-23 "Measure H" Audit Letter
- Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Bylaws (revised 10/11/16)
- Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Bylaws (revised 5/14/19)
- Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Bylaws (revised 5/14/24)
Declining Enrollment Committee Archived
March 2
Feb. 10, 2022
Meeting Day Has Passed
March 2, 2022
Meeting Day Has Passed
March 29, 2022
Meeting Day Has Passed
May 3, 2022
Meeting Day Has Passed
June 13, 2022
Meeting Day Has Passed
August 31, 2022
Meeting Day Has Passed