The Transportation Services Department provides home-to-school/school-to-home busing services for approximately 3,000 students every school day with 49 routes. In addition, the department provides transportation for after school programs, summer school, class field trips, activity buses, and athletic team buses. Over 300,000 miles are driven annually in support of the District's student transportation program.
Where do buses pick up and drop off my student?
Please note that students may need to walk to the nearest school bus stop. Bus stops will not be added within the walk zones of any particular school. If a student that lives in the walk zone wishes to use transportation, they must register and then get to the bus stop assigned. The current walk zones are:
TK-3 grades – ¾ Mile
4-5 grades – 1 Mile
6-8 grades – 2 Miles
9-12 grades – 3 Miles
2024-2025 Routes are not published. Please check you "myridek-12" app for the most up to date information and to see if you student is assigned a route.
Request for Student Transportation Link: Fill out form
It is mandatory that students to have their Bus I.D. card on them when riding the bus. Student's use their card to scan on and off the bus. This allows us to monitor students whereabouts when traveling to and home from school.
See our FAQ below for additional information.
- Contact Us
- Discipline Guidelines
- Employment
- Field Trips
- Fleet Services
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Policy and Procedures
- Routes
- Safety
- Transportation Criteria
Contact Us
Discipline Guidelines
The conduct of students aboard a school bus must be controlled in order to provide safe and efficient transportation. The students aboard a bus are under the authority of the bus driver and directly responsible to the driver.
In the enforcement of student discipline, the drivers should work closely with school administrators. In the event of unresolved problems aboard the bus, after consulting with school administrator, drivers should bring the matter to the attention of the Director of Transportation.
When enforcement of discipline is required, the following steps should be followed:
Discipline Flow Chart
The Driver will issue:
- At least two verbal warnings.
- Two written warnings.
- If the students behavior does not improve, the driver will then make a recommendation of denial to the school administrator.
The situations below are serious offenses and are regarded as disorderly conduct. These rules are marked with an asterisk on the Bus Conduct Report to Parents and Bus Rules of Conduct. The Discipline Flow Chart will not be followed; a recommendation to deny transportation will be given.
- Tampering with bus equipment, i.e., emergency door, brakes, switches or other devices.
- Intentional destruction of defacing of seats or paneling within the bus.
- Jumping out of or entering through windows of the bus.
- Inflicting injury upon other students through the use of physical force.
- Degrading, vulgar or profane speech or gestures directed at others.
- Using physical force upon the driver. Degrading, vulgar or profane speech or gestures directed at the driver.
- Lighting matches, exploding firecrackers or burning of papers or other material aboard the bus.
- Smoking or vaping within the school bus.
- Refusal to remain seated or not using a seatbelt while the bus is in motion, after verbal warnings.
Students found to be in violation may be denied transportation for a period of time. The school administrator will determine the length of time and notify the parents/guardians. The effective date of denial is the first school day following the issuance of a denial.
On occasion, a school administrator may request a driver to attend a parent conference or a driver may request to attend the parent conference. In either case, arrangements to attend or participate in a parent conference should be coordinated through the Director of Transportation. School administrators should make time and dates of formal conference known to the Director of Transportation.
School Bus DriversSchool Bus Drivers typically work an early morning shift, a midday shift and an afternoon shift for a total workday of about four to eight hours. At the beginning of the school year, all the available routes are available for bid and will be granted to each driver based on seniority. If a route is considered less than eight hours, that driver may choose to get additional hours, up to eight hours per day, working with the grounds crew. Permanent drivers qualify for medical and retirement benefits. Many drivers appreciate that the school work calendar matches that of their school aged children. With a total of 340 years combined experience, many of our drivers have been driving for VUSD for over 10 years. If you enjoy working with children this is a great job!
Please check the district website and apply under Human Resources, classified job openings to see when a position opens.
Field Trips
Staff Request for Field Trip Transportation
Buses are available for approved trips when they are not needed for home-to-school pupil transportation. The district also has some seven passenger vans that can be checked out by a district employee. All field trip requests and anytime the students or staff will be off site including walking, biking and district vans must be made through Traversa, To allow time to get through the approval process please submit all trips at least 14 days prior to the trip date. Paper requests are no longer accepted.
The Transportation Services Department must arrange all school bus and charter transportation.
All requests for pupil transportation should be made within the limitations established by Board policy 6153: "All trips involving air travel, out-of-state, out-of-the-tri-county area (Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Los Angeles) or overnight travel shall require prior approval of the Board."
Charter buses may only be reserved through the Transportation Department and only if certain criteria are met. Please contact the transportation director for questions concerning booking a charter bus.
To reserve a school bus, district van, or to charter a bus for a field trip, follow the procedures below:
Please complete the online request in "Traversa". If you need assistance, please work with the person at your site usually the admin assistant that has access to Traversa and can assist you with your request.
Once the trip has been requested in Traversa, it will automatically be sent out to the following people for approvals:
- Transportation Director will approve if there is a bus available
- Principal will approve their students being off site during the trip
- Executive Assistant of Ed Services will approve the chaperone ratios and other information
- Assistant Superintendent of Ed Services will be the final approver
Once all the approvals are completed, the trip will be assigned a driver a few days before the departure date.
District Transportation Rates:
$44.13 per hour (Regular Rate)
$66.21 per hour (Premium Rate)
$3.56 per mile
Charges begin and end at 255 W Stanley Ave, Ventura, Ca.
*Premium rate is charged if any part of the trip falls M-F between 2:01pm to 8:59am, weekends and holidays.
District Fleet Vehicles
The transportation department has four, 7-passenger vans that can be utilized by District staff and administrators. To reserve a vehicle follow the same procedures listed above
District Van Rates
- $ .66 cents a mile
- $97.38 Daily Rental
Cleaning Fee: A $200 cleaning fee will be charged when food and beverage are consumed on board a bus requiring more than the standard cleaning.
Fueling: It is person checking out the vans responsibility to ensure all vans are fueled prior to return. (Fuel cards are provided) If not fueled, there will be a $50 fueling fee added to the invoice.
Tolls/Parking: The site/department is responsible for all tolls, parking fees and permits.
Overnight Trips: The site/department is responsible for the driver's accommodation on overnight trips.
Fleet Services
Brad Wilkinson
Shop Supervisor
805-641-5000 Ext 1326
Hours of Operation: 6:00 am - 5:00 pm
Monday - Friday
John Gustafson-Mechanic II
Danny Lopez-Mechanic I
An important ingredient to a successful transportation facility is an effective fleet maintenance system. Many processes must be effectively combined to produce a dependable, safe and quality transportation service. These processes rely on drivers, dispatchers, office staff as well as the mechanics that work on the vehicles. Since the 1920's, the Ventura Union High School District has provided vehicle maintenance and repair on vehicles used by schools in the city of Ventura. In 1966 the Ventura Union High School District unified with several elementary districts in the area. They formed the Ventura Unified School District. The Fleet Services Office has an excellent reputation for service and we continuously work daily to build on it. Our Mechanics are certified through the National Institute of "Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)." This certification is the national standard in the automotive repair industry and now has certification specific to school bus repair. Our Shop Supervisor is a certified school bus technician. Our Mechanic II is a certified master automobile technician as well as a certified school bus technician. Our thoroughly trained staff is here to help. The safest place a child can be is on a school bus, maintained by well-trained qualified mechanics.
The Fleet Services Office offers the following services:
45 day 3000 mile safety Inspections
Preventative maintenance service & inspections
Brake repair
Tires and suspension
Engine repair and tune ups
Radiators and cooling systems
Electrical systems
Upholstery repair
Preventative Maintenance Program
We are committed to providing our community with the safest, cleanest and most reliable vehicles. We will accomplish this goal by performing the highest quality vehicle maintenance program. Our inspections exceed all Federal and State requirements.
The Fleet Services Office coordinates the departments fleet maintenance program. Fleet Services provides vehicle maintenance and repair on the district school bus fleet and several sedans, trucks and vans used by schools sites and departments.
A - Inspection |
California Highway Patrol 45 day 3000 mile safety inspection. This is a 164 point safety inspection. |
B - Inspection |
Completed every 6,000 miles on Diesel and Unleaded Engines - Oil, Filter, Fuel Filter, Secondary Fuel Filter & Air Filter |
C - Inspection |
Transmission |
D - Inspection |
CHP-292 Certification |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Once my student is given a spot on the bus, are they guaranteed the spot all year?
Yes, unless a child has not scanned onto the bus for ten school days in a row, they may be removed from the route. This allows another student on the waiting list to be added unless the family has contacted transportation to request an extension. Call the Transportation Department to discuss if your child is not on the bus for ten days or more for a medical reason.
Is there a fee to ride the school bus?
What if my child is not assigned a bus and needs a ride to get to school?
Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) offers youth free rides on local public transit. For more information visit the VCTC Youth Ride Free Promotional Program website.
Policy and Procedures
Parent Responsibilities
Parents and guardians are an important part of the total safety awareness program for students who travel to and from school by bus. Students can benefit from learning to become safe pedestrians and passengers.
Here's how you can Help:
Allow enough time in the morning for unhurried, calm school preparation time.
Prepare as much as possible the night before.
Have your children wear bright, contrasting colored coats or put a piece of high visibility, reflective tape on coats and backpacks.
Help your children to leave on time. Allow for weather and plan to arrive at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled departure time but not more than 10 minutes.
Go with younger children to the bus stop or have older children assist.
Tell your children to walk in groups, if possible.
Please train pets to stay in the yard, away from bus traffic.
Remind your children to walk on the sidewalks or out of the street, single file, facing traffic, and as close to the edge of the road as possible.
Teach your children to Stop, look left, right, and then left again before crossing the street.
Running games, shoving, or horseplay is too dangerous at the bus stop and around traffic.
Tell your children to stand ten feet away from the street when waiting for the bus.
They should wait there until the bus driver says it's OK to board the bus.
If anything is dropped during loading or unloading the bus, children must wait for instructions from the bus driver before attempting to retrieve it.
12 feet on either side and 12 feet in front of the bus are considered the Danger Zone. This is the area most difficult to SEE children around the school bus.
Teach your children to STOP and look before hurrying away from the bus as they exit at the end of the day.
Here's how you can help with students with special needs :
Be at home or have a designated responsible person there when your child is scheduled to arrive from school.
If you have an emergency and you or a responsible person cannot be at home for the delivery of your child, notify your child's school as soon as possible.
If you are running late notify dispatch at 805-641-5000 ext. 1320.
If you child is ill and unable to ride the bus, please notify dispatch at 805-641-5000 ext. 1320.
Notify Pupil Services/Special Education Department at 805-641-5000 ext. 1125 immediately if there are any changes to your personal circumstances.
(i.e. address change, telephone contact numbers, alternate address information).
· Observe the same conduct rules as the classroom while riding a Ventura Unified School District school bus.
· Use appropriate language and be courteous to your bus operator and fellow passengers.
· Do not eat, drink, or smoke on the bus.
· Throwing objects out of a window or littering the bus is prohibited.
· Sit in your assigned seat and remain seated at all times until you are at your final destination.
· Obey the directives of the bus operator.
· Keep your hands, feet, and head inside of the bus at all times.
· Respect school property. You and your parent or guardian will be responsible for any damage you cause to a Ventura Unified School District bus.
· Inappropriate gestures or comments to passing motorists or others outside of the school bus is not allowed.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if my child's bus is running late? Contact Dispatch in the event of a delay at 805-641-5000 ext. 1320. We will at that time, ascertain from the driver an estimated time of arrival.
Is every student with a disability eligible for special transportation services? No. Only students whose IEP specifies that special transportation services are required to enable the student to obtain a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) will be eligible.
What does the IEP team consider when it is deciding whether or not my child is eligible for special transportation services? The IEP team considers a number of factors including, the student's disability, the location of the student's special education services, the student's communication abilities; and the student's reliance on special equipment.
What kinds of services does the district provide? The district provides the transportation services specified by the IEP team.
Are safety devices used when transporting my child? Safety devices as appropriate, are used to properly secure and protect passengers. Additionally, all buses have communication equipment that ensures that the bus operator has communications with the department. In an emergency situation, the driver is able to contact emergency personnel with their two-way radio.
Will special transportation service, if recommended by the IEP team, cost me anything? No. There is no charge for transportation services if the IEP team has determined that transportation services are required. However, personal equipment such as an appropriate wheel chair or car seat, if needed, is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to provide.
How long will it take for a route to be scheduled for my child? After transportation services has received a completed transportation request from the Special Education Department, your student will be routed within five business days.
Where will the bus pick up and deliver my child? You can see the assigned bus stop and times on the "myride360" app. The bus stop may or may not be located at your residence. Some students are assigned to corner school bus stops. As a student's needs dictate, accommodations in services will be made from the least restrictive environment.
What should I do if I have an emergency and cannot be home to receive my child? If your child has not been picked up by the driver, notify the school site and instruct them to keep your child a the school. If your child has already been picked up and there will be no one at the bus stop to receive him/her the driver will return your child back to school, unless you have completed an authorization form to release your child unattended.
If I move, what should I do to be sure that transportation services will continue for my child? Contact the Special Education Department at 805-641-5000 Ext. 1125 with your new address. Transportation may need as much as three school days to effect a change in service for your child.
I left an item on the bus - How do I get it back? If a personal item was mistakenly left behind on the bus, contact the Transportation Services Department at 805-641-5000 ext. 1320. We will make arrangements for the item to be taken to your pupil's school or brought back to the transportation facility were you can pick it up. Any items not claimed will be kept in the lost in found and donated to charity.
What if I am not at home or at the stop to receive my special education child? If you arrive at home and discover that an attempt was made to deliver your child at home, please contact Dispatch, and we will give you information regarding delivering your child or informing you that your child has been returned to school.
We are pleased to announce a new phone application called "My Ride K-12. This app. will help Families stay connected to their students Route information and Transportation needs. If your student qualifies for Transportation, please click the link below, follow the instructions and link to your student information. (Please check criteria below to verify that your student qualifies for Transportation)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Bus routes are updated as changes occur. So please check back often to verify that your students route has not changed.
Here is the link to the Parent User Guide to sign-up for My Ride K-12! User Guides Flyer (Formerly know as Traversa Ride360)
Transportation Safety Plan
The Transportation department recommends reading the Transportation Safety Plan if you are interested in the various policies and procedures they have in place to keep all riders safe.
Procedures for a School Bus Accident
The California Vehicle Code defines a School Bus Accident as:f the bus. All school bus accidents shall be investigated by the California Highway Patrol.
- The driver shall notify dispatch of their location and inform them that they are involved in a school bus accident.
- Dispatch will contact CHP and if any pupils are injured emergency medical personal will be dispatched.
- In the event of a school bus accident, the school site Principal, Superinten
A motor vehicle accident resulting in property damage in excess of seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750) or personal injury, on public or private property, and involving a school bus, youth bus, school pupil activity bus, or general public paratransit vehicle with a pupil on board; a collision between a vehicle and any pupil or the bus driver while the pupil or driver is crossing the highway when the school bus flashing red signal (cross-over) lamps are required to be operated pursuant to Section 22112 VC; or injury of a pupil inside the bus as a result of acceleration, deceleration, or other movement o
dent, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, Director of Transportation and Director of Risk Management will be notified. - Parents or guardians of special education students will be notified if their child is involved in a school bus accident.
- Pupils will be released by a CHP officer.
- If any pupils are injured they will be transported to the nearest hospital.
- The school site will notify parents or guardians of any injured regular education student.
Safety Instructions, Drills and Presentations
In accordance with the California Vehicle Code, Education Code, and School Board Policy, the Transportation Services Department will provide the following:
1. Prior to the departure on any field trip, the driver of the school bus shall give safety instructions, including but not limited to, the location of emergency exits and emergency equipment.
2. At least once each year, all pre-kindergarten through eighth grade pupils who receive home-to-school transportation shall receive safety instruction in proper loading and unloading procedures, including escort by the school bus driver, proper passenger conduct, bus evacuation, and location of emergency equipment.
Transportation Criteria
Transportation Criteria
The Ventura Unified School District Transportation Department provides student transportation for students who reside further than these distances from their home school:
- Kindergarten – 3rd Grade – ¾ miles
- 4th – 5th grades – 1 mile
- 6th – 8th grades – 2 miles
- 9th – 12th grades – 3 miles
All students riding the bus will be issued a Bus ID Card. This card is to be used to scan on and off the bus. These cards are issued one time and to be saved for the duration of time the student rides the bus with VUSD.
If you have any question, please call the Transportation Department at 805-641-5000 ext. 1320.
When selecting the "School of Choice" option, it is understood that no Transportation Services will be offered.