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Ventura Unified School District (VUSD) Logo


The Transportation Services Department provides home-to-school/school-to-home busing services for approximately 2,500 students every school day on 35 routes. In addition,  the department provides transportation for after school intervention programs, summer migrant education, summer school, class field trips, activity buses, and athletic team buses. Over 700,000 miles are driven annually in support of the District's student transportation program.

 Transportation Survey

The Transportation Department held a Transportation Town Hall a few months ago. Based on the feedback that we received from that group and based on AB 181 is a new bill that requires the District to show how we will prioritize planned transportation services for pupils TK-6 and pupils that are low-income in grades 7-12. We are creating a transportation plan to prioritize services to the above groups of students. 

Which students are given priority for bus transportation?

  1. Providing transportation to Special Education students that are required by an IEP.
  2. Providing transportation to all general education students in grades TK-6
  3. Providing transportation to our unduplicated (homeless, foster youth, low income, etc. ) in grades 7-12
  4. Providing transportation to general education students in grades 7-12 that live outside of their walk-zone
  5. Out-of-district students attending VUSD schools will not qualify for transportation.
  6. In-district students attending a School of Choice do not qualify for transportation.
  7. Sunset K-8 School students who live within a walk zone but the walk zone is on a highway without sidewalks, must contact Transportation as they may be moved up on the priority list.  805-641-5000
  8. Families who choose a School of Choice (not their home school) will not be provided transportation with the exception of some IEP agreements. 

Where do buses pick up and drop off my student?

Please note that students may need to walk to the nearest school bus stop. Bus stops will not be added within the walk zones of any particular school. If a student that lives in the walk zone wishes to use transportation, they must register and then get to the bus stop assigned. The current walk zones are

TK-3 grades – ¾ Mile
4-5 grades – 1 Mile
6-8 grades – 2 Miles
9-12 grades – 3 Miles


                                            2024-2025 "TENTATIVE" ROUTE INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON TRAVERSA RIDE360 ON 8/1/24.                                                             ROUTES FINALIZED ONE WEEK PRIOR TO SCHOOL


Request for Student Transportation Link:   Fill out form

rEQUEST FOR STUDENT BUS I.D.:  Fill out form

It is mandatory that students to have their Bus I.D. card on them when riding the bus.  Student's use their card to scan on and off the bus.   This allows us to monitor students whereabouts when traveling to and home from school. 

 See our FAQ below for additional information.