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Ventura Unified School District (VUSD) Logo

Jumpstart Preschool Program

Thank you for your interest in the Jumpstart Preschool Program.  Jumpstart is an early education program administered by Ventura Unified School District and is a California State Preschool Program (‘CSPP’). We provide care for children in Ventura and the surrounding community throughout Ventura County. 

The staff and administration at Jumpstart know that young children thrive in safe, friendly and respectful environments. These elements are foundational and at the core of our Program’s philosophy; a philosophy that fosters a child-centered curriculum and is based on the guiding principles of the California Preschool Curriculum Foundations where: 

  • Relationships are central 

  • Play is the primary context for learning 

  • Learning is integrated and inclusive 

  • Intentional interactions enhance children’s learning experiences 

  • Family and community partnerships create meaningful connections 

  • Individualization of learning includes all children 

  • Responsiveness to culture and language supports children’s learning 

Jumpstart is a part-day multi-age opportunity for children between the ages of *2 and 5 years, and, along with parent participation, promotes empathy, self-regulation, and leadership development.  We offer care and curriculum that is age appropriate for children’s developmental needs in a rich setting allowing for exploration, creativity, problem-solving, science, math, and language acquisition through play, group activities, and individual choice. 

*Only 30% of total enrollment at each site can be comprised of children under the age of 2.9 years at the start of the school year. 

Admission into the Jumpstart Preschool Program is based on state income guidelines and other application criteria. To be qualified, families must meet the following eligibility criteria:  

 Income eligibility criteria 

         CSPP Schedule of Income Ceiling

Family Size 

Family Yearly
 Income Ceiling  

 Family Monthly
  Income Ceiling  

 Maximum Monthly Income 
for 15% above Income
Eligibility Threshold

1 or 2









$122,993 $10,249 $11,787


$142,672 $11,889 $13,673


$162,350 $13,529 $15,559


$166,040 $13,837 $15,912


$169,730 $14,144 $16,266


$173,420 $14,452 $16,619


$177,109 $14,759 $16,973


$180,799 $15,067 $17,327


$184,489 $15,374 $17,680

If you do NOT meet the income eligibility criteria, click here

Admission to Jumpstart Preschool Program 
  • Eligibility for enrollment in the preschool program is based on documentation and verification.
    The parent or guardian is responsible for providing the required documentation. 
  • Enrollment priorities dictate that 7% of CSPP-funded enrollment is set aside for children with
    exceptional needs.
  • All families will be ranked based on income-ranking order and on the following admission priorities list, as mandated by the State:

Admission priorities
The child is the recipient of Child Protective Services (CPS) or is at risk of being neglected, abused, or exploited, or is in foster care. 
Second: Once the set-aside is filled, children with exceptional needs (children with IFSP or IEP), up to 20% of classroom enrollment. 
Third: Eligible *2, 3 and 4-year-olds. 

  • dual language learners within each ranking.
  • 4 year-olds who are not Transitional Kindergarten eligible. 

Fourth: Family income is not more than 15% above the income threshold. Prioritize exceptional needs children, and then *2, 3 and 4-year-olds (limited to 7% of funded enrollment).
Fifth: 4 and 5 year-old children who are eligible for Transitional Kindergarten.

*Only 30% of total enrollment at each site can be comprised of children under the age of 2.9 years at the start of the school year. 

Jumpstart Preschool Program is located at 6 sites within the Ventura Unified School District. 

  • ATLAS Elementary

  • E.P. Foster Elementary

  • Montalvo Elementary

  • Portola Elementary

  • Sheridan Way Elementary

  • Will Rogers Elementary

Each site offers an AM (8:15 am to 11:15 am) and a PM (12:15 pm to 3:15 pm) program daily that includes a "no cost" nutritionally balanced meal. Each Jumpstart Preschool classroom is designed for team teaching and has a permitted site leader and two permitted child development teachers.

Steps to Enroll in the Jumpstart Preschool Program
Step #1

If you are eligible and are interested in our program, please click the link below.

Interest form


Step #2


After completing the interest form, if you have been instructed by Jumpstart to submit a new student pre-enrollment form, please do so through this link. 


*Once on the Q pre-enrollment site, make sure to use the login box at the bottom of the page to either create a new account or to login to an existing account. Refer to the image below. It is NOT necessary to submit a secondary interest form.

Snapshot of the Q Pre-Enrollment Login Dialogue Box

A pre-enrollment form is not considered complete until you click the submit button. You should then see a confirmation message like the following.

Q pre-enrollment submission snapshot sample



Returning students are not required to complete an online pre-enrollment form. 


Step #3

If your child has been approved for enrollment in the attending school year, please see the parent orientation date and time through the link below. 

Parent Orientation



Cara Dallamora, ECE Coordinator
(805) 641-5000 x1029

              Nikki Ertman, Sr. Office Assistant
            (805) 641-5000 x1031