Our staff have a cooperative, supportive relationship because of shared respect, daily interactions, and a shared belief that we can make a difference in the lives of young children and their families.
Early Childhood Special Educators serve children from ages 0-3. At the minimum, they hold a Bachelor's degree and teaching credentials. They have extensive knowledge about hearing/language impairments, autism, neurological development, and low incidence disabilities such as vision, hearing, or muscle disorders.
Occupational Therapist and Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant serve children who have needs with sensory, fine, and gross motor skills. They serve each small group class and work both in the classroom and in an occupational therapy motor room. These services are provided to assist children in benefiting from their educational program.
Paraeducators are available to assist and support the teachers in providing services to children. They have varied experiences with children with special needs and are continually expanding their knowledge by attending workshops provided by Ventura County SELPA. They are hired by and meet the qualifications of Ventura Unified School District's Classified Human Resources Department.
Program Specialists and School Psychologists have Masters level degrees in School Psychology. They have extensive training with assisting children, teachers, and parents with programming, assessment, behavioral intervention, special education, and children with a variety of special needs.
School Nurse is trained in first aid and CPR and helps with the resolution of health concerns that interfere with learning. Each school site is staffed with a Health Technician who is immediately available to provide health related support services. They are available to assist with health screenings, record results, and sending referrals as needed. They maintain updated health records for children, conduct preliminary observation of ill and injured children, consult and refer to our school nurse and parents, and access emergency medical response if it is deemed life threatening.
Small Group Class Teachers at the Early Intervention Center are trained, experienced, and fully credentialed in early childhood education and/or special education, and hold at least a Bachelor's degree. They continue to update and expand their knowledge of young children with special needs by going to local, state, and national conferences.
Speech/Language Pathologists provide assessments and direct services for children in our program. They provide therapy for children individually or in small groups to work on goals involving receptive and/or expressive language skills, and/or articulation skills. They hold master's degrees in Speech and Language Pathology/Communicative Disorders, and are credentialed and licensed by the state.