Ventura Unified is partnered with Peachjar to help keep our families more informed about important community resources. Schools and the District will continue to use ParentSquare to disseminate VUSD information. Community organizations and businesses must go through PeachJar to have information sent to families. We are no longer allowing non-VUSD affiliated entities send paper flyers/advertising home through our schools.
All parents/guardians with legal rights to communications and an email address on file in Q will automatically be registered to receive digital flyers. District-approved community flyers are emailed to parents as images and posted on the school's web flyer board.
Community Organizations and Businesses
It's as easy as 1, 2, 3. Go to and follow these steps:
- Upload- Select your desired schools for distribution and upload your flyer through Peachjar.
- Approval- Your flyer is digitally routed to the school district for approval
- Distribution- Your approved flyer is emailed to parents/guardians and posted to each school's web flyerboard. WE ONLY SEND ON WEDNESDAYS. In order to ensure our families are not overwhelmed with emails and ignore them, we only send Peachjar flyers on Wednesdays. Please keep this in mind when choosing dates for distribution. We must receive your flyer no later than the Tuesday prior to sending by 4:30 pm.
Flyer Guidelines
All flyers must adhere to the following to be approved by Ventura Unified School District
Cost to Outside Organizations and Businesses
Peachjar charges a fee for this service, which is generally $25 a school site. When compared to the cost of printing color copies, this is usually a savings. For a full description of Peachjar fees, please click on this link to the Peachjar Pricing Page
Peachjar takes great pride in being able to offer a Community Free program as a way of giving back to our local communities. Peachjar will cover the fee for one flyer per 30 days to your local district, offering a free charitable event, service, or resource where children are the direct beneficiary. By incurring the fee, Peachjar hopes to make it even easier for those organizations to get the word out and impact the lives of even more children.
Please review Peachjar’s Community free guidelines here and note approval for the Community Free program is made solely by Peachjar, not the district. If you would like to apply and you have your flyer ready, simply register your account at and email to request an application. Peachjar will guide you through the process from there.